About Peter

Let me tell you a little about myself and  my life up to this point.


So it began...

The year was 2016 and as a college senior my time at university was coming to a close. My entire college experience was dedicated to working very, very hard. Between two jobs, pursuing athletic endeavors, and trying to get straight A’s I never had time to ask myself what I actually wanted.  I had my sights set on graduate school to pursue a doctorate, but two very important events intervened. It began with my first real endeavor in entrepreneurship when I open my first business – a small gym in the little town of Spring Lake, Michigan. The second was deciding to get my real estate license.  

A leap of faith

It did not take long for me to realize that real estate could be more than just a side hustle for me and if I wanted to be serious about it I needed to dedicate myself fully. I needed mentorship. So after graduation I liquidated my gym, left my job and home in Grand Rapids Michigan and headed north to Traverse City, Michigan. All I had was, a weight set from my gym, a beat-up Honda civic that incidentally broke-down on the side of the road before I could make it there, and a whole lot of enthusiasm… I’d need it. The next several years would be some of toughest and most rewarding years of my life up to that point. It is one thing to imagine becoming successful in any field and another thing entirely to actually achieve it. 

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The Greener Grass

I’m not sure what I expected from those first days, in fact I barely remember them, because it was such a flurry of activity. With so much to learn in a very short amount of time I knew I would need help if I was going to grasp this industry quickly. My strategy was simple – be a sponge – absorb as much information as possible. I found many experienced agents who were unbelievably gracious with their time and knowledge and guided me down the right path. It was not easy and there were many kicks to the face along the way, but I eventually found my footing and began to realize that not only did I love what I was doing, but I was – in large part, because of my countless mentors – good at it… very good.

The intervening years have flown by at high speed. I believe life is about growth – both personal and professional. Real estate has pushed me to grow in ways I did not fully realize until afterwords. I have learned so much about this industry, about people, and about myself and am unbelievably grateful for every single success and even more importantly, every failure I have had along the way. Without those I would not be the person I am today and I look forward to many more years of growth and to help as many people as possible. 

I believe firmly that the key to success is to give twice as much as you receive. I want to do such an amazing job for people and provide them with so much value that they will continue to see me as a resource even after the transaction is over.  

My Personal Life

Although never easy, I try to achieve some sort of lopsided work-life balance. The greatest love in my life is the outdoors. Water in the summer, hiking in the fall, and snowshoeing in the winter. Luckily for me Traverse City abounds with thousands of acres of public land to explore. I am also pretty passionate about fitness and compete in the sport of power-lifting. Since reading is like exercise for the mind I try to do as much as possible. I’m old-school when it comes to books and prefer real paper books that you can hold and mark-up with highlights, underlines, and marginalia. I also fancy myself a part-time adventure and love exploring this amazing planet we call home!

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